General Information
Booking your stay
You can book your stay on the ‘book’ page of this website where you will be able to make a secure online payment of your deposit. You can also make the booking over the phone if you prefer. Either way, once the booking has been made you will receive a confirmation from our booking system. Within the next day or so, you should receive an email directly from me with extra information on such as where to eat/taxi’s/directions.
To make a booking with us, a deposit equal to one night’s stay is required. You will need a bank card to make this payment.
If a cancellation occurs within 14 days of arrival, the deposit will not be refunded. We strongly advise that you have travel insurance to cover you if you need to cancel.
Payment of balance
The balance of your payment will be taken the day before arrival from the card you made your booking on. In the event of a no-show, this will not be refunded.
Check-in and departure times
Check in is usually between 16.00 & 19.00 and we ask that guests vacate their rooms by 10.00am on the day of departure.
If you will be arriving after 19.00 please let us know so we can make sure someone is here to welcome you or we can leave a key out for you.
A few house rules
We are a no-smoking property both in the house and grounds.
In order to maintain our high accommodation standards, we are sorry but we don’t allow dogs. We do however have 2 extremely friendly pet dogs ourselves – Ruby and Tilly. They are kept away from guest areas so shouldn’t bother you at all, but of course they are more than happy to receive attention from guests.
We would be very grateful if you would adhere to our quiet time policy between the hours of 10pm and 8am, in respect of other residents, guests and villagers.